Effie Linklater, nee McDonald (1915 – 2000) Effie McDonald was the eldest child of Shitzie Neil and Shitzoo Julia McDonald. She lived most of her life in Old Crow. Her grandfather was Archdeacon Robert McDonald. She attended school in Dawson and lived at St. Paul's Anglican Hostel. She wanted to devote her life to the Anglican Church but was called home to marry and follow a traditional life.((Yukon Archives, Effie Linklater, biographical sketch, Effie Linklater fonds.)) Effie and Archie Linklater were married in August 1931. He had been ordained as a deacon in the Anglican church in January 1989.((Yukon //Hansard,// 14 December 2000.)) When her family was grown, she began to assist the Bishop in his mission, using her language and experience in many parts of the territory.((Yukon Archives, Effie Linklater, biographical sketch, Effie Linklater fonds.)) She became a lay reader in Old Crow and then was ordained to the Holy Order of Deacons on January 15, 1989. She later took leadership of St. Simon's Church in Whitehorse at the Old Log Church. Linklater taped and transcribed stories of the elders and the Christian Leaders trained by Robert McDonald.((Lee Sax and Effie Linklater, //Gikhyi: One Who Speaks The Word of God.// Diocese of Yukon, November 1990.)) St. Simon’s Church emphasized ministry to Indigenous congregations and was established in 1984 by the Reverend David Norton.((Manuscript "Summery of the Anglican Church in Yukon" by Archdeacon Allan Haldenby of Dawson in 1957 and updated by Lee Sax and Bishop Ronald Ferris in 1991.)) Lee Sax and Effie Linklater wrote and published //Gikhyi – One Who Speaks the Work of God// in 1990. All proceeds from the ninety-page book went to the Bishop’s School for Native Ministry.((Sara Darling, “White missionary brought simple message.” //The Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 19 December 1990.))