Charles Monroe Charles Monroe prospected up the Taku River about 1871. He crossed over to Teslin Lake and told William Ogilvie about its location.((William Ogilvie, "Down the Yukon and Up the Mackenzie." //The Canadian Magazine,// October 1893, Vol. I, No. 8. Yukon Archives, Pam 1893-4.)) Charles Monroe and other miners were prospecting at Frances Lake at the time when the Cassiar mines were yielding largely. They reached the lake by the same route as George Dawson. Monroe worked for a short time at the mouth of the Finlayson River. Only two miners were at work on the Pelly River in 1887. Monroe and Langtry were operating on a couple of bars below Granite Canyon where they made $10 to $20 per day.((George M. Dawson, //Report on an Exploration in the Yukon District.// Yukon Historical & Museums Association, 1987 reprint: 113-14, 134.))