Francis M. Monroe (1854-1940) Francis Munroe was born in Lyons, France. He entered the Catholic Jesuit order in 1874 and was admitted into the Rocky Mountain Mission in 1885. He came to the United States in 1886 and served in Montana and then came to the Alaskan Holy Cross Mission in 1874. In 1894, he was appointed to the Nulato Mission and in 1898 he pastored at Eagle, Forty Mile, Circle, and Tanana on the Yukon River. He arrived in Fairbanks in 1904, and in 1906 was persuaded to start a hospital. He was transferred to Wrangell in 1924 and served there until shortly before his death.((//Alaska Catholic,// 13 January 1940 in Ed. Ferrell, //Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers, 1850-1950.// Juneau: Heritage Books Inc., 1994: 223-224.))