Joshua D. Meenach (1858-1928) Joshua Meenach was born in Kentucky and came to Seattle in 1888. He became a well-known Alaska mining man. He travelled to Circle, Alaska in 1895 and stayed a few months over a year. He returned north with the discovery in the Klondike and mined on Bonanza Creek. He became manager of the Reliance Mining Company of Philadelphia. In 1900, Meenach opened up and developed the Ellamat copper mine in the Prince William Sound country. His property was the first important shipper of copper ore from the north and was a steady producer for many years. He led an expedition into the Copper River Valley in 1903 and found John Andrus to back the Chittitu placer area. He died in Seattle.((//Alaska Weekly// (Seattle), 16 March 1928 in Ed. Ferrell, //Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers, 1850-1950.// Juneau: Heritage Books Inc., 1994: 216-217.))