Jannetje Adriana Montgomery, nee Kats (1912 – 1988) Jan Montgomery was born in Baarn, Holland and moved with her parents, two brothers and sister, to Monarch, Alberta in 1924. She attended college in Taber, Alberta and then worked as a matron in a mental institution in Calgary. She worked for the Canadian Army in Halifax during the Second World War. She moved to Whitehorse sometime in the 1950s and started work as a night clerk at the Whitehorse Inn. Within a short time, she was managing the hotel. She was an accountant for many Whitehorse firms and a community volunteer with MacBride Museum, the Yukon Council on Aging, and the council’s Seniors’ Information Centre.((“Well-known former Yukoner dies.” //The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 8 June 1988.)) Jan Montgonery was a Whitehorse City Alderman from 1962 through 1966.