W. L. Mason W. L. Mason was born in Port Huron, Michigan. He arrived in the Yukon in 1899. The North-West Mounted Police records show him going through in July. He was accompanied by Mrs. W. L. Mason, Hazel Mason and George F. Pope. All gave their home address as Detroit, Michigan. They arrived in Dawson and then Mason spent several winters in Livingstone or Mason's Landing on the Teslin River. Mason purchased rolled oats from Snure's store in March 1902. A letter that may have been written in 1904/05 from Victoria reports that Mason was selling some claims but expected to return to Livingstone by May.((Gus Karpes, //The Teslin River: Johnson's Crossing to Hootalinqua Yukon, Canada.// Whitehorse: Kugh Enterprises, 1995: 81-2.)) The community of Livingstone was connected to steamers on the Teslin River by a summer road to Mason’s Landing. There was also a winter road from the gold camp to Whitehorse.((MacBride Museum, “Hootalinqua.” //The Force in the North,// 2019 website: http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/sgc-cms/expositions-exhibitions/gendarmes-mounties/en/detachments/hootalinqua/)) In 1912, John Waldorf Brown applied for a homestead at Mason's Landing and it was granted in 1913. It included all of the buildings there, so the Masons were gone by then.((Gus Karpes, //The Teslin River: Johnson's Crossing to Hootalinqua Yukon, Canada.// Whitehorse: Kugh Enterprises, 1995: 81-2.))