Wilfred Angus Morrison (b. 1895) Angus Morrison was born in Sept 25, 1895 in St. Albert, Alberta. His mother was Mrs. Anna Morrison at the Minto Roadhouse.((Email correspondence from Michael Gates to Sally Robinson, April 25, 2017; //Polks Gazetteer,// 1915-16.)) He enlisted for service in the First World War in July 1916.((WWI Reg. #1015588. July 1, 1916 in Sidney. Attestation Paper, Library and Archives Canada.)) He was part of the first group to leave Dawson early in the June.((Email correspondence from Michael Gates to Sally Robinson, April 25, 2017.)) He was in England in August 1917.((//Dawson Daily News// (Dawson), 17 August 1917.)) Angus’ older brother, Ed Morrison, also fought in the First World War.((Yukon Archives, Dan Van Bibber Oral History Project, January 2000. Tape WWI Reg. #8, pages 6-7.))