Andrew Clifford McLeod (1928 - 1990) Clifford McLeod was born in Dawson City to Lily de Bastien. He was adopted and raised by Mary and Simon McLeod, a couple with no children. Clifford hauled water in Dawson when he was thirteen years old and found a job on the riverboats as a deckhand. He met Mary Jackson (Koluki'uk) from Klukshu when he worked on the steamers. They stayed in Dawson for a while and moved to Whitehorse where they were married. He worked for the United States Army in the 1940s and helped construct the hydroelectric power dam in the 1950s. He worked for twenty-two years at the Whitehorse Copper Mine. Clifford McLeod was a councillor for the Whitehorse Indian Band from 1965 to 1968.((//Whitehorse Area Chiefs, 1898 to 1998.// Whitehorse: Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 1997: 12, 43-45.)) Clifford McLeod was declared acting chief when Elijah Smith resigned in 1968. During his brief tenure he cleaned up the village water pollution after the wells were found to be contaminated. He also lobbied the government to pay the chief’s a salary, arguing that work and responsibilities were too onerous for an unpaid position. Salaries were initiated for Yukon chiefs a few years later. McLeod did not seek re-election and supported several young people running for chief as he thought young people with good educations would better serve the community.((Listen to the Stories: A History of the Kwanlin Dün: Our Land and People.// Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2013: 64.))