Herbert Grant MacPherson (1875 – 1944) Herb MacPherson was born in Chatham, Ontario. He represented Taylor Instrument Co. in eastern Canada and the United States and visited friends in Whitehorse in 1907. In 1908, he returned to the Yukon and bought the Bennett News Store. He partnered with W.A. McKeown to purchase the Whitehorse Pharmacy and bought out his partner in 1911, the year he married Helen Teskey of Orillia, Ontario. The couple had two sons. The store became a landmark in the north and MacPherson helped remote miners by writing their letters and looking out for their interests. He was a member of the Order of Masons.((Margaret Crook, Norma L. Felker, and Helen Horback. //Lost Graves.// City of Whitehorse, 1989: 46.)) H.G. MacPherson owned the drug store on Front Street in Whitehorse until 1944. He died in his sleep at the Whitehorse General Hospital.((//The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 21 January 1944.))