Robert W. McLaren Bob McLaren was the son of early Dawson residents Mr. and Mrs. R.C. McLaren. Bob worked at the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corp for the longest of any employee. He started on the drills at Bear Creek in 1926 and was transferred in 1927 to Dredge No.2 under dredgemaster W.A. MacMillan. He worked on the dredge until 1943 when he transferred to the warehouse for three years. In 1946, he was promoted to dredgemaster on Dredge No. 4 on Bonanza Creek and continued there until the dredge ceased operation in 1959. He returned to the warehouse and was made warehouse foreman in 1965. Bob and his wife Florence retired to the south after the company closed down in 1966.((Pretoria Butterworth, “Employees of the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation.” Dawson City Museum and Historical Society administrative file 992.8.115))