Thomas McCabe Thomas McCabe first applied for land in Minto area for agriculture in September 1902.((Yukon Archives, YRG 1, Series 1, Vol 21, file 6166.)) McCabe was an ex-woodchopper from Minto, and he opened a roadhouse at the junction of McCabe Creek and the Dawson Trail about 1902.((Mike Rourke, //Yukon River: Marsh Lake, Yukon, to Circle, Alaska.// Watson Lake: Rivers North Publications, 1985: 105.)) In 1903, Thomas McCabe of Edmonds, British Columbia applied to purchase sixty acres above Old Minto, sixty acres near Old Minto, ten acres three miles above Old Minto, and thirty acres above Old Minto. He paid for the land, but it was never surveyed. The 160-acre homestead was three miles above Minto on the right limit of the Lewes River. In 1907, he was not living there and there was no house, so his rights to the land were forfeited.((DIAND Lands Branch microfiche 8-1-3. Lot 07/09/16, Group 13/04/07, Vol. 1. 6023 13449.)) Between 1908 and 1910, Mr. H.F. Miller leased McCabe's two-story roadhouse on a ten-acre tract and the 120-acre homestead with fifteen acres under cultivation, and McCabe moved to British Columbia.((Mike Rourke, //Yukon River: Marsh Lake, Yukon, to Circle, Alaska.// Watson Lake: Rivers North Publications, 1985: 105.)) H. F. Miller applied for McCabe’s land in 1910.((DIAND Lands Branch microfiche 8-1-3. Lot 07/09/16, Group 13/04/07, Vol. 1. 6023 13449.))