Mike Nolan Mike and Mary Nolan owned and operated the Marsh Lake Lodge in the late 1940s. The buildings were all log and attractively furnished. Mike was a former RCMP officer and Mary was a service woman during the war. They trapped during the winter, but kept the lodge open all year round.((University of Alaska at Fairbanks Archives, Walter Hodges Coll. Mrs. Walter Hodges diary transcript in Fern Chandonnet ed., Alaska at War, 1941-1945. Papers from the Alaska at War Symposium. Anchorage Alaska, Nov. 11-13, 1993. Anchorage: Alaska at War Committee. 1995: 192.)) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plautz bought the lodge in 1975 and planned to reopen the business. It burned to the ground in March 1976 and very little was salvaged.((Andy Hume, “Marsh Lake Lodge Burns To Ground.” //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 3 May 1976.))