John Privett (b. ~1956) John Privett was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to parents Muriel and Reverend Arthur Privett. He was raised in Whitehorse and received his sense of faith and community in his father’s Christ Church Cathedral. Privett received an undergraduate degree in philosophy and English at the University of Saskatchewan. He became co-ordinator of youth ministry in British Columbia and Yukon and struggled with a decision between ordained and lay ministry. In 1981, he earned a Master of Divinity from the College of Emmanuel and St. Chad in Saskatoon and was ordained as a priest in 1982. He also has a Master of Education degree from the University of Alberta, and a Doctor of Ministry in congregational studies from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. In 2005, Privett was elected diocesan bishop of Kootenay and in 2009 he became the new metropolitan (senior bishop) of the ecclesiastical province of British Columbia and Yukon.((Marites N. Sison, “Child of the rectory becomes new metropolitan of BC/Yukon.” //Anglican Journal,// 28 September 2009.))