Marie A. Riedeselle Marie Riedeselle was a French Canadian raised in New York state. By age thirty she was a trained nurse and a professional masseuse and facial specialist. She won a prize for designing a costume for women bicyclists. In 1893, she left New York City and bought a farm in Connecticut. Attracted by news of the Klondike, Marie studies in preparation for life in the north attracted the attention of a reporter who wrote about her in the //Seattle Daily Times// on 1 February 1898. During her time in Seattle, Ellen made her own suit of clothing, selected her outfit, and engaged in physical activity to gain strength. She reached Dawson in the spring of 1898 and opened a business on Front Street offering massage treatments, and Russian and plain baths. She briefly relocated in Grand Forks but quickly returned to Dawson.((Frances Backhouse, //Women of the Klondike, 15th Anniversary Edition.// Whitecap, 2010: 76-77.))