Charles L. Steinhauser Charles Steinhauser arrived at Point Barrow [Nuvuk] in 1887. In 1888, he mushed over the old Russian American telegraph line to Unalakleet, on the Bering coast, and went from there to Fort Yukon and then to Forty Mile. He worked for Jack McQuesten for nine years. He went mining near Dawson during the Klondike gold rush but was not lucky. From Dawson, he went to mine successfully at Cook Inlet. He travelled to Nome after that strike and worked for the Alaska Commercial Co. In 1902, he and two partners travelled to Nelson Island and started a trading post. He sold his interest after two years and started another post at Unalaklee. He ran this post for seven years and then sold it to buy another post at Nulato which he ran for ten years. He sold the post and went to Seattle with his wife to run Sam Shucklin Company Inc., selling drygoods, clothing, and furnishings.((//Alaska Weekly// (Seattle), 6 September 1929 in Ed. Ferrell, //Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers, 1850-1950.// Juneau: Heritage Books Inc., 1994: 303.))