Don and Lee Sax Don and Lee Sax were in Old Crow from 1983 to 1994. They were ordained in the Anglican Church there by Bishop Ron Ferris in April 1985. In 1987, Don and Old Crow Elder Ellen Bruce were ordained priests. In 1994-95, Don and Lee lived in Dawson and covered St. Paul’s Anglican church there and St. Luke’s in Old Crow. Don started the Bishop’s School of Native Ministries and a number of people were ordained including Dr. Ellen Bruce, Effie Linklater, and Mary Battaja. Don retired in 1994 and Lee was Deacon in Charge in Dawson City with Don (aged 70) as her assistant. Don and Lee Sax retired from the Yukon in April 1997.((Don and Lee Sax, “Where Are They Now?” //Northern Lights,// Summer/Fall 2005: 5.)) Reverend Deacon Lee Sax thought that Old Crow was a very special place and she started researching the First Nation ministry. She realized that archdeacon McDonald had not Christianized, but instead the Gwitchin took Christianity and made it their own. The only things he imposed were the worship of one god and having only one wife. He shared the Gwitchin qualities of caring and sharing that many Christians have trouble with.((Sara Darling, “White missionary brought simple message.” //The Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 19 December 1990.)) Lee Sax and Effie Linklater wrote //Gikhyi: One Who Speaks The Word of God,// published by the Diocese of Yukon, in November 1990. All proceeds from the ninety-page book went to the Bishop’s School for Native Ministry. Lee and Bishop Ronald Ferris updated Archdeacon Allan Haldenby’s manuscript "Summery of the Anglican Church in Yukon" in 1991.((Manuscript in Old Log Church Museum vertical files.)) In 1992, Deacon Lee Sax was finished updating Archdeacon McDonald’s translation of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer and was working on a Gwich’in hymnal.((“Native language materials.” The Anglican Church of Canada, 2024 website: Native language materials - General Synod Archives - The Anglican Church of Canada))