Darlene Scurvey, Shakhwaye Darlene Scurvey is a Kwanlin Dün citizen and a member of the Wolf clan. She has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Regina and Yukon College and a Native Cultural Arts Instructor certificate from Portage College. She is an artist who works with water colours, beads, porcupine quills, birch bark, and moose hair to create baskets and sewn pieces.((“New College Yukon First Nations Art certificate program recruiting students.” Yukon University, 2020 website: https://www.yukonu.ca/news/201906/new-college-yukon-first-nations-art-certificate-program-recruiting-students)) In 2017, Darlene received the Governor General’s Polar Medal for her work promoting traditional language and culture. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited her language nest program. In 1919, Darlene Scurvey became the lead instructor for the new Yukon First Nations Art certificate program at Yukon College. The program goal is to build capacity to maintain traditional arts and craft and produce authentic high-quality goods for Yukon heritage centres.((“New College Yukon First Nations Art certificate program recruiting students.” Yukon University, 2020 website: https://www.yukonu.ca/news/201906/new-college-yukon-first-nations-art-certificate-program-recruiting-students))