George Shaw George Shaw emigrated from England and worked in Ontario before he moved to Dawson in 1937. He tried to mine but was unsuccessful, he ran a sawmill, and then he worked for George Murdock before buying a jewellery business.((University of Alaska, Oral history Program, Tanana Yukon Historical Society recording, Oral History 78-47-01, 19 August 1973.)) George and his wife Ag (Agnes) Shaw operated a jewelry store in Dawson between 1955 and 1975.((Dan Davidson, "Nugget and Ivory Shop Comes Up With Gold." //The Klondike Sun// (Dawson), 1 March 2005.)) George and Ag worked to form the Klondike Visitors Association and the Dawson Museum Society.(("Agnes "Ag" Shaw, Long-time Dawsonite passes." //Klondike Korner// (Dawson), 856th edition, 1 July 1988.)) George Shaw served on the Dawson City Council and was a member of the Yukon Territorial Council. George and Agnes retired in Dawson.((University of Alaska, Oral history Program, Tanana Yukon Historical Society recording, Oral History 78-47-02, 19 August 1973.))