King Salmon, Luk Choo (~1808 – 1898) King Salmon lived in the Porcupine River area in Alaska and met the men, (French Canadians, a Scot, and an Englishman), who established the Hudson’s Bay Company post at Fort Yukon in 1847. Luk Choo worked for the Company on the boats bringing trade goods and supplies through the Yukon from Fort MacPherson on the Mackenzie River. He was Reverend David Salmon’s paternal grandfather. Luk Choo’s son, William Salmon (¬1858 – 1950), was Rev. Salmon’s father. Rev. Salmon’s maternal grandfather was Vuntut Gwitchin - John Chitleii.((Thomas A. O’Brien, //Gwich’in Athabascan Implements.// University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, 2011: xxx, 110.))