Pete Sidney Pete Sidney was brother to Mabel Baker, nee Sidney. They were descendants of Skookum Jim Mason. Both their uncle, Johnny Johns, and Pete Sidney were notable guides. Like most locals, whenever they found mineralization, they staked the ground and tried to get a mining company to buy.((Larry Bratvold, //Strange Things Done...: A Yukon Odyssey.// Tagish: Headwater Publication, 1999: 19-20.)) Pete Sidney was a veteran of the Second World War.((Yukon Government Hansard, 9 November 2000.)) Peter’s brother, George Sidney Jr., also volunteered. Carcross people were very aware of the war and a number of Carcross boys volunteered including Peter’s brother George Sidney Jr.((Yukon Archives 92/14, Alaska Highway Interpretive Milepost Project. Ida Calmegane interview with Helene Dobrowolsky, 2 October 1991, Tape SR 131-1.))