Sam Smith Eisul Sam Smith was a member of the Teetł’it Gwich'in First Nation and one of the earliest Indigenous men to work as a special constable for the North-West Mounted Police. Smith helped guide one of the first Fort McPherson-Dawson patrols and worked as a special constable in Moosehide for many years [in the 1920s].((Brigitte D. Parker, "Unlocking the north for the RCMP." //Our Home,// Vol.1, No.1, Spring/Summer 1999: 32-33.)) Daisy Smith was born in Tagish and grew up in in the Carcross/Tagish area. She married Sam Smith, and they settled in the Little Atlin area.((Andrea Buckley, “We salute you!” //The Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 18 October 1996.)) In 1946, Patsy Henderson and Sam Smith advertised their guiding and boat rental business on Little Atlin Lake.((//The Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 31 May 1946.))