William H. Scroggie William Scroggie came north in 1897. He led one of three parties of men from Montreal, numbering about fifty in total, who set out for the Klondike in the first and second weeks of August 1897. They were under the charge of Ernest Genest representing the Canadian Yukon Company; C.J. McQuaig of the Montreal-London Gold and Silver Development Company Ltd.; and W.H. Scroggie, a St. Catherine Street dry-goods merchant whose companions were mostly his employees.((A. C. Harris, //Alaska and the Klondike Gold Fields.// J.R. Jones, 1897: 52.)) There is a photo of Wm. Scroggie and Alf Watson outside the 60 Mile Roadhouse.((Yukon Archives, Finnie Collection 81/12 Pho 140 #51))