George Tyler George Tyler was a riverboat captain on the sternwheeler //Victoria// in June 1898.(("Movements of the Yukon fleet: The May West Gone - Weare and Hamilton to follow. The Victoria on the Upper River - new steamer in from the lakes - passengers from lower river points." //Klondike Nugget// (Dawson), 23 June 1898.)) The boat belonged to the Alaska Commercial Company.((Tappan Adney, //The Klondike Stampede.// Vancouver: UBC Press. 1994 reprint: 389-392.)) Captain Tyler took the little //Victoria// up the Stewart River to McQuesten, 125 miles upriver. He returned on Wednesday evening and reported that people were busy on the river.(("Movements of the Yukon fleet: The May West Gone - Weare and Hamilton to follow. The Victoria on the Upper River - new steamer in from the lakes - passengers from lower river points." //Klondike Nugget// (Dawson), 23 June 1898.))