Jim Thompson The first prospectors and white trappers in the Nisutlin River area were Charlie Cole, Sandy Brown, Jim Thompson, Charlie Kraft, and Angus Ross.((Catharine McClellan, //My Old People’s Stories: A Legacy for Yukon First Nations. Part III: Inland Tlingit Narrators.// Occasional Papers in Yukon History No 5(3). Whitehorse: Yukon Cultural Services Branch, 2007: 627-28.)) Jim Thompson discovered gold in Sidney Creek, a tributary of the Nisutlin River below Quiet Lake, in 1902. The news started a stampede in June and July 1905 when he reported paying gold returns. He also found the first gold prospects on Willow and Marble creeks in the same area.((R. C. Coutts, //Yukon: Places & Names.// Sidney, B. C.: Gray’s Publishing Ltd. 1980: 241))