Rich Thompson Rich Thompson was a successful businessman , consultant and marketing strategist [in 1994] when, after talking to the Yukon marketing director, he sold all of his companies and bid on a job to create a memorable brand to put Yukon’s tourism industry on the map. The result was the “Larger than Life: campaign and a record year for tourism in 1999. Around 2008, he started Northern Vision Development Ltd., a Whitehorse real estate acquisition and development company.((Will Johnson, “Tourist brand creator opts to move on.” //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 28 May 2008.)) In 2014 Thompson was chair of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce and CEO of Northern Vision Development and continued to reside in Alberta.((Rich Thompson, "Does the Yukon need a wake-up call?" //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 19 December 2014.)) Northern Vision has developed a business park, helped to redefine the waterfront and invested heavily in hotels and restaurant assets. The company has more than forty percent First Nation partners.((Rich Thompson, "Does the Yukon need a wake-up call?" //Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 19 December 2014.))