Robert Truswell (d. 2003) Robert Truswell was born in New Zealand. He lived in Prince Rupert where he was briefly married. He came to Dawson in 1979 and staked a claim on a bench of Bonanza Creek. Truswell and Kieran Daunt had neighbouring mining claims and they argued with each other for more than twenty years. Truswell thought everyone was against him. Daunt feared that his relationship with his father was threatened by a new relationship that the senior Daunt had with Truswell.((Jane Armstrong, “A murder under the spell of the Yukon.” //The Globe and Mail// (Toronto), Published 28 May 2005 and updated 22 April 2018.)) On 28 August 2003, Truswell drove up to Daunt, and Daunt shot him twice in the body and killed him. Truswell was unarmed. Daunt claimed that Truswell was threatening him and he feared for his life. Truswell had carried through on a threat in the past. In 1982, he swung a wooden plank at carpenter Gary Hodge and cracked his head in three places. Hodge was sent into a coma and suffered long-term dizziness and hearing loss. Truswell spent a little time in jail.((Jane Armstrong, “A murder under the spell of the Yukon.” //The Globe and Mail// (Toronto), Published 28 May 2005 and updated 22 April 2018.)) Some of Truswell’s neighbours thought that he was dangerous and in need of psychiatric help. The crown prosecutor was successful in arguing that Daunt had a temper as well. A jury found Daunt guilty of second-degree murder.((Jane Armstrong, “A murder under the spell of the Yukon.” //The Globe and Mail// (Toronto), Published 28 May 2005 and updated 22 April 2018.))