William Thomas Turnbull (d. 1919) William Turnbull was born in Scotland. He was the master of the sternwheeler //Goldstar// in 1899. Around that time Turnbull started working for the British Yukon Navigation Co. and acted as the master of the //Whitehorse// and the //Yukoner// in 1900.((Jerry Green, “Yukon Riverboat Captains.” 2019 website: http://www.users.miamioh.edu/greenje/)) A studio portrait of the crew of the //Yukoner// includes a photo of Captain Turnbull.((MacBride Museum, photo 1989-1-93.)) A list of stops along the Overland Trail that were used as relay stations for the mail teams included Captain Turnbull’s roadhouse, 173 miles from Dawson between Yukon Crossing and Carmacks.((Newspaper clipping, nd. need source.)) In 1901, Turnbull was listed as a resident of Dawson.((Jerry Green, “Yukon Riverboat Captains.” 2019 website: http://www.users.miamioh.edu/greenje/)) William Thomas Turnbull and Meta Artula Miller applied for a marriage license in Dawson on 15 September 1914.((Indexes to Applications for Marriage Licenses, 1898-1901. Yukon Archives, YRG 1 Series 1. Vol. 75 Microfilm)) Captain Turnbull died shortly after his arrival in Vancouver at the end of the 1919 season. Turnbull was a senior master and a valued employee of the BYN Co. for twenty years.((Yukon Archives, Cor 722 (1919) WP&YR. RGI II-I))