Charlotte Williams, nee MacPherson (b. 1910) Charlotte Williams was born in Whitehorse to Isabelle and John “Sandy” McPherson. Charlotte and Owen Williams were married in 1926. Owen came from Wales when he was eighteen to work at the Taylor & Drury store where his uncle was a bookkeeper.((Kevin Shackell, “Yukon-born Charlotte Williams watches a little town grow up.” //The Yukon News// (Whitehorse), 25 October 1982.)) Charlotte and Owen lived at Champagne from 1932 to 1935 and managed the Taylor and Drury store. Billy Cletheroe ran the store before them and Laurent Cyr after. Charlotte cooked meals for the RCMP at her own home. The Williams moved back to Whitehorse so the eldest daughter could go to school. Charlotte went back first with her daughter and Own waited until Laurent took over at the store.((Charlotte Williams in Kathy Van Bibber, "A Glimpse of the beginning: Champagne Business and Social Buildings." Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and YTG Heritage Branch, 1993: 6.))