Terry Wilkinson Terry Wilkinson began guiding in the early 1970s in northern British Columbia and Yukon in the early 1970s.((Chuck Tobin, "Yukon outfitters receive award." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 21 April 2006.)) In 1983, Terry and Ruth Wilkinson bought Yukon outfitting concession 22 and established Caesar Lake Outfitters.((“Our History.” Caesar Lake Outfitters, 2020 website: http://www.ceaserlake.com/our-history.)) Twenty-two is the second largest outfitting concession in the Yukon and encompasses the entire southeast corner of the territory.((Chuck Tobin, "Yukon outfitters receive award." Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse), 21 April 2006.)) Terry Wilkinson of Watson Lake was named 2006 North American professional hunter of the year by the Safari Club International. The organization gives this award yearly for the continent's top big game outfitter. Criteria is based on conservation measures practiced and promoted, and involvement with youth and the community in general. The fifty-four-year-old Wilkinson was notified in 2005 that he was on the short list for the award.((Chuck Tobin, "Yukon outfitters receive award." //Whitehorse Star// (Whitehorse), 21 April 2006.)) In 2013, Terry and Ruth sold the concession to son Joel. He started as a wrangler at age ten, became a guide at age eighteen, and had experience guiding in Alberta and New Zealand. In 2020, Joel was running the business with his wife Courtney, with Terry and Ruth helping out.((“Our History.” Caesar Lake Outfitters, 2020 website: http://www.ceaserlake.com/our-history.))