Robert Lemon Allen (b. 1872)

Robert Allen was born in Paisley, Bruce County, Ontario.1) Allen was a miner in the Dawson area in 1901-02.2) He was a member of the Dawson Yukon Order of Pioneers in 1915.3) Allen was a timber inspector in May 1916 when he enlisted to serve in the First World War. He and his wife lived in Dawson.4) Allen came back to the Yukon in June 1919.5) He returned to the same job in Dawson, working for the federal Department of the Interior. Robert’s daughter, Emma Allen, grew up on Sulphur and Hunker creeks where she received her schooling. She came to the Dawson town office in 1924 as a secretary.6)

1) , 4)
Library and Archives Canada, Attestation Paper, WWI #1015530. 15 May 1916.
Polks Gazetteer.
Yukon Archives, Otto Nordling fonds, 79/34.
Yukon Archives, GOV 1654.
“Employees of the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation.” Dawson City Museum and Historical Society files, 992.8.115.