Mary [Miyo] Burian, nee Yoshida

Miyo Yoshida was born in Vancouver after her parents emigrated from Japan. She came to Mayo in her teens in 1931 to help her sister Ruth (Chiyo) and husband George (Otoyemon) Nagano run the GN Café. Miyo and Renny Burian were married in 1943.1) They were operating a wood camp at 26 Mile on the Stewart River when the Second World War shut down the silver mines at Keno. They moved to Mayo and their son Harvey was born in Dawson in 1944. The Burians moved back to their wood camp after the war. Mary was required to carry an identity card during the Second World War, but the couple were well-liked in Mayo. Her parents and other relatives in British Columbia lost their homes during the enforced evacuation of Japanese from the coast.2)

Mayo Walking Tour, Yukon Government, 1918: 20; Linda Johnson, “Harvey Burian: Growing up Multicultural on the Stewart River.” What’s Up Yukon, 23 November 2016.
Linda Johnson, “Harvey Burian: Growing up Multicultural on the Stewart River.” What’s Up Yukon, 23 November 2016.