James J. Clements
James Clements was likely the “Clemons” that travelled north with Keller, Lamb, Edgar, and Clarence Berry to Forty Mile in 1893.1) J.J. Clements staked a Klondike claim with four other men.2) He was listed as the original locator of Claim No. 4 on Eldorado Creek.3) He panned four pans worth $2,000 in total with the largest reported as being worth $775.4) Anton Stander and Clarence Berry bought controlling interests in Eldorado claims Nos. 4 and 5 and a fraction between 5 and 6.5) James Clements, the original staker of the full claims, remained a partner. Forty men worked the claims in 1897 and recovered $100,000. Stander then purchased Clements’ interest in Claim No. 4.6) Clements left the Yukon in July 1897 with $50,000 in gold. Berry and Stander recovered millions from the claim.7)