J.J. Campbell

J.J. Campbell was the captain of the sternwheeler Ora on the Yukon River in 1899, the captain of the Flora in 1900, captain of the Bailey in 1901, and master of the John C. Barr in 1908.1) In the 1920s, Captains Campbell and Daniel McKay lived in the historic Captain Campbell House at 406 Wood St. in Whitehorse. At that time, Campbell was in charge of the sternwheeler Bailey, while McKay was in charge of the sternwheeler Casca.2)

“Campbell, J.J.” Jerry E. Green, Yukon Riverboat Captains, 2019 website: http://www.users.miamioh.edu/greenje/#C
“Bulldozing our heritage.” The Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse), 27 October 1995.