Kimberly Chambers (1991 - 2016)
Kimberly Chambers was born in Haines, Alaska and moved to the Champagne area in 2009 to help care for her great grandmother Sue Van Bibber. Van Bibber instilled in Kimberly a love of hunting and took Kimberly and sister Jennifer out on the land in a group of seventeen grandchildren. They rode horses and slept under spruce trees wrapped in horse blankets. Kimberly learned to trap from her great grandfather Alex Van Bibber. She was a firefighter and an accomplished outdoorswoman. She worked for Champagne and Aishihik First Nations co-managing fish and wildlife. She was an experienced rider, started training feral horses at age twenty-one, and was sometimes out wrangling horses for five weeks at a time. Kimberly fell from a horse while she was on a hunt. She suffered severe injuries that led to her death.1)