Zheusune Fiorenza “Mme Zoom” Corbet (d. 1960s)

Zheusune Fiorenza Corbet was born in Picardy, France. She was well-educated and well-travelled, an accomplished pianist, and a seamstress. She studied dressmaking in Paris and was always well dressed. There was a rumour she was the daughter of a British diplomat. She married a Canadian Army Reserve engineer in Dawson. He was killed at Gibraltar shortly after they were married and awarded the George Cross posthumously for heroic non-military heroism.1)

Mme Zoom used to spend winters in Keno with Massa Sakata and summers in Dawson. She lived next door to the Lucky Inn/Klondike Kate's and the house has been torn down. She was a remittance lady, although not noticeably wealthy. There are stories about her walking around in only a coat, and she could swear like a teamster.2) She returned from Keno to live in Dawson in the 1950s and she died of cancer in Vancouver in the 1960s.3)

1) , 3)
Linda E.T. MacDonald and Lynette R. Bleiler, Gold & Galena. Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 359.
Sally Robinson interviewing John Gould, 22 February 1993.