Barrie Duncan (d. 2007)

Dr. Barrie Duncan was born in Winnipeg. He was the brother of Dr. Allan Duncan, a doctor who practiced in the Yukon from 1993 to 1947. Barrie Duncan was the only resident physician in the Dawson area from September 1945 to August 1951. Barrie and his wife Norah had two children when they arrived in town, and they had five when they left. St. Mary’s hospital burned in 1950 and Dr. Duncan watched as a new X-ray machine was destroyed in a rescue attempt. The patients were housed in the school for a few weeks until the Courthouse was converted to a hospital. The elderly and the hospital staff were moved into the Commissioner’s Residence.1)

Dr. Peter Duncan, “Dr. Barrie Duncan’s Family’s Remembrances of St. Mary’s Hospital” in Pat Ellis, Fr. William Judge S.J. Pat Ellis, 2023: 76-78, 81.