Helene Dobrowolsky

Helene Dobrowolsky received a Bachelor of Arts from Dalhousie University in 1972 and a Diploma in Cultural Conservation Management from the University of Victoria in 1991.1) Helene moved to the Yukon in 1974.2) She is an accomplished researcher and writer who has completed numerous articles, brochures, booklets, books, video scripts, and reports on aspects of northern history. She is an oral history specialist and has taught workshops and written three booklets on the topic. Helene and partner Rob Ingram own Midnight Arts, a cultural and heritage resource consultancy. They offer research, interpretation and planning for historic sites, museums and cultural centres, parks, and land use developments. The company was founded by Rob in 1986 and became a partnership in 1988. Helene’s communication and administration skills are fundamental to the smooth running of their company.3) Helen and Rob were awarded the Yukon Historical and Museums Association History Makers Award in 2019.4)

Helene is Tai Chi instructor with Tai Chi Yukon. She has studied in China and is ranked in the Yang system, a style transmitted by Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo and his grandson Grandmaster Yang Jun.5)

1) , 3)
Midnight Arts, 2021 website: https://www.midnightarts.net/
“Historian Fireside Chat at the Donnenworth House.” YHMA, 2021 website: https://www.heritageyukon.ca/historian-fireside-chat-donnenworth-house.
Yukon Historical & Museums Association, 2024 website: Previous Recipients - Yukon Historical and Museums Association (heritageyukon.ca
Tai Chi Yukon, 2021 website: https://www.taichiyukon.com/.