Billy Fox Khàtìnas.àxh (1909 - 1970)

Billy Fox was a respected and beloved community leader. He grew up a fluent speaker of the Tlingit language. He worked as a hunter, trapper, carpenter, woodcutter, mechanic, and RCMP special constable.1) He worked on the Canol Road, hauling supplies and trading furs from his traplines.2)

Billy Fox was a strong believer in having a school in his community and he lived to see the modern school built in Teslin. His Tlingit Kookhittaan Clan name, Khàtìnas.àxh pronounced “kaw keen ah sa,” means a raven can be heard a long time after he is gone. “He still makes a noise like an echo,” is now the name of the Teslin school.3)

1) , 3)
“Jackie Hong, “Teslin School renamed Khàtìnas.àxh Community School after “beloved community leader.” Yukon News (Whitehorse), 7 September 2018.
“Khàtìnas.àxh Community School now the name of village's school.” The Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse), 5 September 2018.