James Farr (d. 1933)

James Farr had a 160-acre homestead below Swede Creek, five acres at the Yukon River and 10 acres a short distance up the creek. Part of the ten acres was sold to the Yukon Silver Black Fox Company as a fox farm. Farr received a patent for his homestead in 1918. He had a house, stable, barn and chicken house. His place was chosen as an experimental farm, and he operated his farm with substantial governmental assistance until 1925. He retired in 1926, as much of his land was eroding into the Yukon River. After he died, his estate kept up the payments on the lease until 1942 when most of the property had been washed away.1)

Mike Rourke, Yukon River: Marsh Lake to Dawson City. Houston B.C.: Rivers North Publications, 1997: 142-3; Mike Rourke, Yukon River: Marsh Lake, Yukon, to Circle, Alaska. Watson Lake: Rivers North Publications, 1985: 125.