William “Bill” Harris Jr.

Bill Harris Jr. was born in the Yukon and is a second-generation prospector. He grew up from the age of five playing on Freegold Mountain, near Carmacks.1) He started as a self-employed prospector in 1980 and in 2006 was the founder of Northern Freegold Resources Ltd. He has held various positions including CEO, COO, president and chairman. In 2020, he was a director with Metallic Metals Corp.2) Northern Freegold Resources is a junior company that was developing mining property on Freegold Mountain outside Carmacks in 2008.3) In January 2019, Granite Creek Copper Ltd., a member of the Metallic Group, acquired the Stu copper-gold-silver property northeast of Carmacks from Bill Harris. The deal granted him a three percent net smelter return royalty.4) In 2020, Harris was a director with Metallic Metals Corp.5)

1) , 3)
Genesee Keevil, “Freegold hits a vein.” Yukon News (Whitehorse), 17 April 2008. 2020 website: https://www.yukon-news.com/business/freegold-hits-a-vein/.
2) , 5)
“Bill Harris.” Metallic Metals. 2020 website: https://metallic-minerals.com/corporate/board-of-directors/bill-harris/.
“New explorer in Yukon’s Carmacks copper belt.” North of 60 Mining News, 1 March 2019. 2020 website: https://www.miningnewsnorth.com/story/2019/02/22/northern-neighbors/new-explorer-in-yukons-carmacks-copper-belt/5625.html.