James Hutchison (b. 1877)

James Hutchison was born in Scotland. He was working as a railway construction worker in Dawson in 1916 when he enlisted for service in the First World War.1) He was recruited by Captain George Black and was in England in August 1917.2) In 1920, he registered for employment in the Yukon as a returned soldier.3) He is listed as a foreman with B&B Ltd. in Dawson in 1923-24.4)

Library and Archives Canada. WWI Reg. #2004549. 9 October 1916 in Dawson. Attestation Paper.
Dawson Daily News (Dawson), 17 August 1917.
Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-G. 1 March 1920. Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Enlistment.
Polks Gazetteer, 1923-24.