George B. Leavitt
George Leavitt was the manager of the Pacific Steam Whaling Company's shore station at Point Barrow [Nuvuk] in 1889. He was the second mate of the Mary D. Hume on her 1891 voyage and master from 1893 to 1896 during which time the boat wintered at Herschel Island. In 1896/98 and 1897/98 he was the master of the Newport. Leavitt was master of the Thrasher in 1898, master of the Grampus on the voyage of 1899/1900 and master of the Balena during a voyage in 1901. The Balena was lost in a gale on June 7, 1901 on the south coast of St. Lawrence Island. Leavitt wintered the Narwhal at Herschel in 1902/03 and 1903/04 but was trapped by the ice at Baillie Islands in 1905/06 having intended to winter at Herschel. Leavitt wintered the Narwhal at Herschel in 1906/07 and in 1908 she was withdrawn from whaling.1)