John McFarlane (aka Macfarlane)

John McFarlane fought in the First World War and was wounded.1) Back in the Yukon, the Canadian Yukon Patriotic Fund loaned him $500 in February 1920 to purchase horses. The Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Establishment helped McFarlane draw up preliminary papers with Murphy for the purchase of a water business, helped with several interviews, and assisted in arranging a loan of $1400 from the Yukon Telephone Syndicate.2) In 1923-24, McFarlane was running a number of businesses in Dawson. He was a general contractor, president and manager of the Mary Mine, the city garbage contractor, delivered city water, and did express dray, teaming and grading in Dawson.3)

Dawson Daily News (Dawson), August 17, 1917.
June 1920 Report, Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re-Enlistment. Yukon Archives, GOV 1654, f.29600-G.
Polks Gazetteer, 1923-24.