Emma Sealey

Emma Sealey was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Allen. Emma grew up and attended school on Sulphur and Hunker creeks. In 1924, she started work as a secretary at the Dawson combined office of Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation (YCGC) and the Dawson Utility Companies (D.E.L & P.Co., D.C.W & P.Co., and Yukon Telephone Syndicate). She subsequently accepted full responsibility of the YCGC office and then management of the utility companies. Forty-two years of employment ended in 1966 when the Northern Canada Power Commission took over operation of the utilities.1)

Pretoria Butterworth, “Employees of the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation.” Dawson City Museum and Historical Society administrative file 992.8.115