Emma Joanne Shorty, Klighee, Sait u (1933 – 2017)

Emma Joanne Shorty was born in Teslin and had ancestral roots in Taku, Juneau, and Angoon. She and her husband, Norman Shorty, Sr. lived in Teslin and at several places along the Alaska Highway before moving to Whitehorse in the 1950s. Emma and Norman gave up their Indian status and benefits in the 1950s so their children could attend a public school. Emma taught the first kindergarten for Kwanlin Dün children at Kiswoot Hall and developed curriculum projects at the Council for Yukon Indians. She recorded her stories for oral history projects including those run by the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Yukon Native Language Centre. The family regained their status in the 1980s through Bill C-31.1)

Kwanlin Dün: Our Story in Our Words. Kwanlin Dün First Nation, 2020: 186-87.