Gregory Allen Skuce (b. 1953)

Local Whitehorse and former Dawsonite Greg Skuce was awarded the 2008 Annual Heritage Award for his years of dedication in the fields of industrial conservation and digital preservation. Greg was instrumental in many of Yukon’s large heritage projects from restoration of the trains in Dawson to his work with MacBride Museum renovations. The Yukon Transportation Museum and their staff appreciate Greg’s unparalleled memory on museum collections and Yukon history. “Greg’s knowledge on varied topics is so impressive that staff at the Transportation Museum coined a new phrase if they needed information about an artifact or about general history. Rather than “Google” it, they “Greggle” it!”1)

Greg Skuce is the author, or co-author, of many reports on historic sites and heritage roads/trails prepared for Yukon museums, the Northern Research Institute, and Yukon Government Historic Sites.

Erin Wall, Executive Director, YHMA, Press Release, February 18, 2009.