Steve Taylor (1953 – 2013)
Steve Taylor was born and raised in Dawson and was a citizen of the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation. He was on the board of directors of Northern Native Broadcasting Yukon very early in its growth.1)
Taylor helped with the early days of formulating the Yukon’s self-government and land claim agreements. He also played a role in amalgamating the Yukon Native Brotherhood and the Yukon Association of Non-Status Indians into the Council of Yukon Indians, later the Council of Yukon First Nations.2)
He served three terms as chief of the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation between 1990 and 1998 and, as chief, he signed off on the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in agreement in 1998. He was on many Yukon boards and committees including the Porcupine Caribou Management Board and the Dawson Regional planning commissions.3) He served on the Peel Watershed Commission for six years and served previously on the Yukon Salmon Subcommittee.4) Taylor was serving on the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in council when he passed away. Chief Eddie Taylor said the community lost a giant with Taylor’s death.5)