Elizabeth Waugh, nee Black (1885 -1940)

Elizabeth Black came to the Yukon from England to marry Aaron Waugh in 1909. After her husband's death in 1929, she ran a roadhouse in Carmacks.1) In 1931, Hugh Bostock stayed at the Nordenskiold Roadhouse, run by “old” George Brown and kept by Mrs. Waugh and her daughter.2)

Elizabeth became ill in 1938 and was confined to St. Mary's hospital in Dawson. Her daughter Mildred cared for her in Dawson and then she lived with daughter Frances in Mayo.3)

1) , 3)
Linda E.T. MacDonald and Lynette R. Bleiler, Gold & Galena. Mayo Historical Society, 1990: 468.
H.S. Bostock, Pack Horse Tracks – recollections of a geologists life in British Columbia and the Yukon 1924 – 1954. Yukon Geoscience Forum, 1990: 68.