Martha Elaine Wyatt, nee Richie (1957 - 2014)

Elaine Richie was born in Chatham, Ontario. She lived in Sudbury and Toronto before moving to Vancouver where she graduated from Langara College, majoring in criminology. She moved to Haines Junction in 1991 and met her future husband, Mark Wyatt. Elaine and Mark moved to Whitehorse in 1992, Inuvik in 1993, and permanently to Carmacks in 1995.1)

Elaine was elected to the Carmacks Municipal Council in October 2003 and served for three years. In April 2006, she became acting mayor and was elected mayor in October 2006.2) She was acclaimed to the role in two subsequent elections.3) She served until the time of her passing. Elaine Wyatt was president of the Association of Yukon Communities and was instrumental in bringing the ‘Voice of the North’ to the provincial and federal government tables. She received the prestigious Hanseatic award [2014] for her contribution to Yukon municipal government and she received the Diamond Jubilee award.4) She chaired the northern and remote communities forum and has been credited with helping the Yukon get its fair share of the federal gas tax.5)

She is remembered for her fierce spirit and determined nature and her belief in the community she called home.6)

1) , 2) , 4)
Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse), 3 December 2014.
3) , 6)
Stephanie Waddell, “Carmacks has lost a true community champion.“ Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse), 28 November 2014.
Stephanie Waddell, “Carmacks has lost a true community champion.” Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse), 28 November 2014.