Joe Barrette
Joe Barrette told traveller and author Thomas Richard how he went up the Sixtymile River in 1893. He went 125 miles from the Yukon to Miller Creek on foot, prospecting along the way and carrying an average load of 100 pounds and making twenty miles per day. Barrette and his partner made $3000 apiece by ‘rocking’ the river bars on their way to Miller Creek.1) Willard S. Dill reminisced about his time in the Klondike and called Barrette one of the popular men in the territory. Barrette was well-known at the Gold Hill Saloon in Grand Forks where he supposedly introduced le Comte Carbonneau to Big Alex Macdonald and Belinda Mulrooney.2)
b/j_barrette.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/01 10:28 by sallyr